
About dpd
This website was created to provide a space for articles relevant to the 2013 Federal Election in Australia. The articles are adapted from some of those in the book Doing Politics Differently, currently a work in progress that will not be published before the election, but that focuses on many ideas, issues and facts which the author, Catherine Moore, believes need to be out there and receiving greater coverage by the media than they are at present.

About the author
Catherine is an artist who lives in the bush north-east of Braidwood, in the Federal “bellwether” seat of Eden-Monaro in south-east NSW. She moved to the area in 1986, and lived in a tent before building a solar passive, solar-powered earth house. She has resided in Eden-Monaro since 1981, was a founding member of the Braidwood Greens in 1993 and has been a member of The Greens since then. She has never been a member of another political party. In 2004 she was elected as a Greens councillor for the newly amalgamated (later named) Palerang Local Government Area, and in 2008 was re-elected as part of the Palerang Community First ticket. She did not stand again in 2012.

Since joining the party in 1993, Catherine’s involvement with The Greens has been at the local, state and national levels. She has attended all Australian Greens National Conferences, so has been closely involved with The Greens organisation, including process and policy development, throughout most of its existence, reinforcing her commitment to consensus decision-making and safe meeting procedure, which she applied where possible to her work as a Palerang councillor.

Catherine believes that The Greens need to be heard along with the other parties, to provide an alternative voice on issue the Liberal-National Coalition and Australian Labor Party are ignoring or dealing with inadequately, so has frequently put herself forward to represent The Greens at election time, resulting in online forum The Conversation describing her as a “serial candidate”.

Since building her house, Catherine has been interested and involved in a number of campaigns, predominantly water and the Welcome Reef Dam, logging and woodchipping, climate change, genetic manipulation, democracy issues and a new constitution for an Australian republic. She has been a spokesperson for her local Greens group for much of that time, and has been an active correspondent to national, state and local newspapers.

Throughout this time Catherine has maintained her art practice, gaining a Master of Visual Arts degree from Monash University in 2007. Growing up with a father who spent most of his spare time painting, Catherine has been an artist for most of her life, and has participated in 87 group and solo exhibitions since graduating in print-making from Canberra School of Art in 1980.

She has worked in a variety of jobs including conservation framer at the National Gallery of Australia, aerobics instructor, barmaid, wait-person and cycle courier in London. She has also undertaken short-term contracts with ACFID, The Australian Greens and The Greens NSW.

Activities as Greens member
1995, 1999, 2003 and 2007 State Elections for the seat of Monaro
1998 Constitutional Convention (election in 1997) (elected)
1998 Federal Election as no. 2 Senate candidate
1999 local government elections
2001 Federal Election for the seat of Riverina
2004 & 2008 local Government elections (elected)
2010 Federal Election for the seat of Eden-Monaro
2011 State election as support Legislative Council candidate
2013 Federal Election for the seat of Eden-Monaro

involvement in Greens organisation (NSW) includes:
inaugural policy co-ordinator and convenor; State and Federal Parliamentary Liaison Committee; Braidwood Greens delegate to NSW meetings; NSW delegate to national meetings.
involvement in Greens organisation (Australian Greens) includes:
national convenor; policy co-ordinator; membership secretary; fund-raising through production of Greens CD; campaign co-ordinator for 1997 SA State Election; assistant in organisation of Global Greens conference and to NT Greens for 2001 federal election; exhibition organiser (at Global Greens and Australian Museum); Greens representative at Kyoto Climate Change Convention.


The views contained on this website and in the later-to-be-published book Doing politics differently are the views of the author, and while they may accord with many of The Greens’ policies and practices, they are not endorsed by The Greens.

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